ring 0造句

"ring 0"是什么意思   


  1. Number of transitions between user ring 3 and kernel mode ring 0 in function and items it calls
    函数及其调用的项中在用户模式( ring 3 )和内核模式( ring 0 )之间转换的次数。
  2. A change in the location of processor event execution between ring 3 user mode and ring 0 kernel - mode
    循环3 (用户模式)和循环0 (内核模式)之间的处理器事件执行位置的更改。
  3. Number of transitions between user ring 3 and kernel mode ring 0 in function , excluding transitions in items it calls
    函数中用户模式( ring 3 )和内核模式( ring 0 )之间的转换次数,不包括其调用的项中的转换。
  4. After studying the form of pe files and the execution technique of ring 0 codes in operating system synthetically , a scheme to detect viruses of file type under windows platform has been put forward . the implementation and performance are also mentioned here in detail
  5. It's difficult to find ring 0 in a sentence. 用ring 0造句挺难的


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